
September 23 2010

Also the big changes really did set us back for a while they actually made is stronger in the long run.

In August we did as small 48h challenge and created a game from scratch. We didn’t have a designer on board, so it is a little … confusing, but the point was to prove that our framework is solid. And solid it is.

There were no major flaws and implementing the game logic was actually a lot of fun.

September was a bit slow again, since I switched my day time job and had to move to Berlin. I don’t have a permanent place to stay yet and switching from hotel to hotel makes consistent development harder than necessary.

On the bright side: I’m doing a port of a really cool game right now.

Update: I almost forgot to mention it, but: The framework has been backported to windows, so finally giving our artists and designers test versions they can actually work with is possible again.